Spotlight: Michael B.

I struggled with my weight my whole life much like Ethan. I tried fad diets, Weight Watchers, etc. with varied success but always gained it back and really kept gaining the older I got.

When I was 40 I decided to get serious and went all in with personal training and a nutrition program. I completely dedicated myself and lost about 50 lbs but went back to my old ways and soon gained it all back.
But then 2 years ago, I found out that I was diabetic and had some liver issues. I started training and dieting again, but this time on my own using the tools I had previously learned. I knew that if this was going to work I had to do it on my own for myself and no one else. Something just clicked. I used an online PT to help build workouts and started tracking my macros and maintaining a caloric deficit.

This time I felt like I was in control and made real progress. It was gradual but it just felt like it was natural.

Once Covid-19 hit we went into a strict lockdown, I live in Singapore where no businesses were open, we were only allowed to leave for essentials like food or medical needs and no visitors were allowed. I live by myself so I only had time on my hands. I decided to go all in on my weight loss.

I studied Biolayne's science of weight loss and shifted my diet to high protein and high fiber, focusing on whole foods, complex carbs and of course staying in a calorie deficit. I read Atomic Habits and Fit for Success and started focusing on building good habits instead of focusing on long term goals. I used his waking up app and began meditating every morning and I also added mobility training. I fit my house with ropes, kettle bells, a rack, a slam ball, bands, TRX, dumbbells, etc. and worked out 4 days a week while hiking or biking on off days.

Today I have lost close to 120 lbs. I was well over 400lbs, but only started tracking my weight at 407lbs and today I weigh 289 lbs.
But most importantly I'm no longer diabetic and my liver function is normal. I've gone from wearing 6XL to 2XL. I'm no longer sedentary and have an active lifestyle that I love. I simply had to come to the realization that for 40+ years I had indulged in all the wings, pizza, beer and cake that I ever wanted. I had a good life but I wasn't happy.

I had enough of that life and wanted something different, I wanted to explore the world with joy and excitement as opposed to focusing on the difficulty of doing so due to my physical limitations.

My journey isn't over and there will be peaks and valleys but with what I have already gone through and the tools I've picked up along the way, I know that I can succeed because now it's like water eroding rock, all I need is time and patience.

Lastly, I have to say that Ethan was a huge inspiration for me. Mainly because he could relate to how I viewed the world or most importantly how the world viewed me. Most fitspo personalities out there have never come close to walking in our shoes and while some have the best intentions, they simply can't relate. I needed to hear from someone like Ethan and John Glaude. I know it is only I who can walk this path but it takes someone before you to set the trail and point you in the right direction.


The cold makes me hungry.


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