Spotlight: Keith

This week's weight loss story comes from our Patreon Social Club! Meet Keith. Keith is the ultimate example of how weight loss can often a lifelong journey.

After growing up as a "husky" kid, things escalated for Keith as he began high school and had more freedom to binge eat, and had less physical activity. New Years after high school, Keith set out to lose weight and did so intentionally for the first time in his life. Keith was even able to lose so much weight he qualified for skin removal surgery in 2002. At this point Keith was working as a personal trainer and truly thought he was "cured" and would have a "normal" life from then forward. But life is never that simple is it? After so many ups and downs yo-yoing from 385 down to 211, then back up to 330 and back down to 216 again, with a few bouts of gaining and losing the same 50 lbs again and again, Keith found his stride (for good!) and was able to start taking health, nutrition, and fitness seriously again. Keith didn't just trim down again, but he regained a healthy mentality, began building muscle and even has plans to complete a finish competition in the next year. So incredible!

About his journey to a fitness competition he said "Seeing Ethan and what he's accomplished at this time of his life is the epitome of inspiration and why I feel like 40 isn't anything but a number. It won't be perfect, I still have leg skin issues, but I want to step on stage next year in some way, I'm not looking to compete to win anything or blow anyone away, I'm doing it for myself, for my mental well-being, and my confidence."

Keith is an amazing example of perseverance, hard work, and dedication and we are so excited to share his story. There is so much power in vulnerability and sharing our journeys! Strong work, Keith!!


Seasons Eatings


On Stress