Are you there God? It’s me, Ethan…

God is an interesting idea that has been argued endlessly since its inception. I am quite fond and even envious of those who have a deep understanding of God. I am equally envious of Atheists, since they too seem to have it all figured out for themselves.  

In Maimonides book, The Guide for the Perplexed, he painstakingly details what God is not. I appreciate his text as the image presented to me while growing up was of a man, and I prefer the “unknowable” to a dude. 

In fairness, I have always been basically Agnostic, though I could even rationalize The Big Bang as a moment of creation, and hold out hope for the divine. 

I say all of this as the below prayer, cite’s God as the source point of necessary power. 

I do believe in a power greater than myself. Quite often, the power is found by adding another’s power to myself. Me AND my wife are more formidable than me alone. Me AND  a group of likeminded individuals will always be more powerful than me alone. 

When I think very thoroughly about God, I am envisioning a higher power, some external source to divine power from. 

I believe that extra spark is available to all of us, whether in the dark recesses of unexplored parts of ourselves, or by the addition of another. I wish you Godspeed in finding that spark, harnessing the energy and courage to confront those things worth changing. 

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, 
courage to change the things I can, 
and wisdom to know the difference.”

Reinhold Niebuhr

Wishing you a glorious 2023!


It’s 2023!


Spotlight: Kim