Spotlight: Trevor

Every weight loss story we receive is incredible, but there are some that truly stand out as the epitome of dedication and perseverance. This story is one of them!

Trevor began his journey to a healthier lifestyle in November 2021 at 362 lbs, but at his heaviest weighed in at 374 lbs. Trevor was motivated to lose weight by a desire to skydive, which required him to slim down to 230 lbs. After keeping consistent and changing his lifestyle to suit healthier living, Trevor was thrown the curveball of a lifetime - his daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia in May 2022. Instead of letting this deter his progress, he continued working hard towards his weight loss goal. While he could've made her illness and caring for her in her illness an excuse, he chose to persevere and stay on track.

Thankfully, his daughter is doing much better, and making great progress. Meanwhile, Trevor continues to lose weight and is only 5 lbs from his 220 lb goal! Absolutely incredible. Trevor credits switching up his fitness routine to keep it interesting as one of his keys to success, and has recently found a love of running!

We love his story and its absolute testament to the power of determination. Thank you for sharing Trevor!


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