Spotlight: Amy G.

Unfortunately addiction runs in my family. At about 12 yrs old things at home changed. I couldn’t control what was happening. I ended up finding my comfort in food. Food became my own vice. Steadily over the years I gained weight. I’d eat even when I wasn’t hungry. Just out of habit and the quantity increased too.

Fast forward to 2018 by this time I’ve tried countless times to lose weight. Weight loss surgery just wasn’t an option for me personally because I knew I needed to change my ways. I was the heaviest I’ve ever been standing at 5’6” and 277lbs. January 15, 2019 I decided to change my mindset. I stopped hoping and wishing I’d lose the weight and started telling myself I ‘will’ lose the weight. I did a version of keto and I say that because I stayed under 20g net carbs a day and within a calorie deficit but didn’t add extra fats to my diet. I truly focused solely on what I was eating. I lost 80lbs in the first 8-9 months. Then I started adding in exercise. Like walking which eventually turned into running. My lowest weight was 153lbs. Today I’m sitting at 160lbs.

It’s been quite the journey but man has it been worth it. I wish I would’ve started sooner and been more active when my kids were toddlers because now it can be a fight to get them active however I know them seeing me set that example helps too. Or at least I’m hoping.

So overall I’ve lost 120lbs with mostly diet changes and working out. Now I enjoy seeing the gains I’m making by lifting in my garage. Pushing myself in a cardio kickboxing class I’ve wanted to do for the last 9 years I could’ve never done before but now have the confidence to also do. I feel like I truly have a new view on life and plan to never go back to where I was. I love listening to the AG podcast because it’s like “geez there are others out there that get it”.


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